Research publications
Research publications
- Racimo F, Woodbridge J, Fyfe R, Sikora M, Sjogren KG, Kristiansen K, Vander Linden M. A geostatistical approach to modelling human Holocene migrations in Europe using ancient DNA. BioRxiv. 2019 Jan 1:826149
- Racimo F, Sikora M, Schroeder H, Lalueza-Fox C. Beyond broad strokes: sociocultural insights from the study of ancient genomes. arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.00755. 2019 Nov 2.
- Refoyo-Martínez, A, daFonseca, RR, Halldorsdottir, K, Arnason, E, Mailund, T, Racimo, F. Identifying loci under positive selection in complex population histories. Genome Research (2019): 246777.118
- Margaryan A*, Lawson D*, Sikora M*, Racimo F*, Rasmussen S, Moltke I, Cassidy L, Jørsboe E, Ingason A, Pedersen M, Korneliussen T, Wilhelmson H, Bu M, de Barros Damgaard P, Martiniano R, Renaud G, Bhérer C, Moreno-Mayar JV, Fotakis A, Allen M, Molak M, Cappellini E, Scorrano G, Buzhilova A, Fox A, Albrechtsen A, Schütz B, Skar B, Arcini C, Falys C, Jonson CH, Błaszczyk D, Pezhemsky D, Turner-Walker G, Gestsdóttir H, Lundstrøm I, Gustin I, Mainland I, Potekhina I, Muntoni I, Cheng J, Stenderup J, Ma J, Gibson J, Peets J, Gustafsson J, Iversen K, Simpson L, Strand L, Loe L, Sikora M, Florek M, Vretemark M, Redknap M, Bajka M, Pushkina T, Søvsø M, Grigoreva N, Christensen T, Kastholm O, Uldum O, Favia P, Holck P, Allmäe R, Sten S, Arge S, Ellingvåg S, Moiseyev V, Bogdanowicz W, Magnusson Y, Orlando L, Bradley D, Jørkov ML, Arneborg J, Lynnerup N, Price N, Gilbert MT, Allentoft M, Bill J, Sindbæk S, Hedeager L, Kristiansen K, Nielsen R, Werge T, Willerslev E. Population genomics of the Viking world. bioRxiv (2019): 703405.
- Prohasaka, A*, Racimo, F*, Schork, A.J.*, Sikora, M, Stern, A, Ilardo, M, Allentoft, ME, Folkersen, L, Buil, A, Moreno-Mayar, JV, Korneliussen, T, Geschwind, D, Ingason, A, Werge, T, Nielsen, R, Willerslev, E. Human disease variation in the light of population genomics. Cell 177(1): 115-131.
- Moreno-Mayar, V, Vinner, L, de Barros Damgaard, P, de la Fuente, C, Chan, J, Spence, JP, Allentoft, ME, Vimala, T, Racimo, F, Pinotti, T, Rasmussen, S, Margaryan, A, Iraeta Orbegozo, M, Milopotamitaki, D, Wooller, M, Bataille, C, Becerra-Valdivia, L, Chivall, D, Comeskey, D, Devièse, T, Grayson, DK, George, L, Harry H, Alexandersen, V, Primeau, C, Erlandson, J, Rodrigues-Carvalho, C, Reis, S, Bastos, MQR, Cybulski, J, Vullo, C, Morello, F, Vilar, M, Wells, S, Gregersen, K, Hansen, KL, Lynnerup, N, Mirazón Lahr, M, Kjær, K, Strauss, A, Alfonso- Durruty, M, Salas, A, Schroeder, H, Higham, T, Malhi, RS, Rasic, JT, Souza, L, Santos, FR, Malaspinas A-S, Sikora, M, Nielsen, R, Song, YS, Meltzer, DJ, Willerslev, E. Early human dispersals within the Americas. Science eaav2621. doi: 10.1126/science.aav2621
- Berg JJ, Harpak A, Sinnott-Armstrong N, Jørgensen AM, Mostafavi H, Field Y, Boyle EA, Zhang X, Racimo F, Pritchard JK, Coop G. Reduced signal for polygenic adaptation of height in UK Biobank. eLife 8: e39725.
- Dannemann, M, Racimo, F. Something old, something borrowed: Admixture and adaptation in human evolution. Current Opinions in Genetics and Development (2018). doi: 10.1016/j.gde.2018.05.009
- Cappellini, E, Prohaska, A, Racimo, F, Welker, F, Winther Pedersen, M, Allentoft, ME, de Barros Damgaard, P, Gutenbrunner P, Dunne, J, Hammann, S, Roffet-Salque, M, Ilardo, M, Moreno-Mayar, JV, Wang, Y, Sikora, M, Vinner, L, Cox, J, Evershed, RP, Willerslev, E. Ancient Biomolecules and Evolutionary Inference. Annual Review of Biochemistry 87:36.1–36.32 (2018).
- Ilardo, MA, Moltke I, Korneliussen TS, Cheng J, Stern AJ, Racimo F, de Barros Damgaard P, Sikora M, Seguin-Orlando A, Rasmussen S, van den Munckhof ICL, ter Horst R, A.B. Joosten L, Netea MG, Salingkat S, Nielsen R, Willerslev E. Physiological and Genetic Adaptations to Diving in Sea Nomads. Cell (2018). doi:
- McColl H*, Racimo F*, Vinner L*, Demeter F*, Gakuhari T, Moreno-Mayar JV, Van Driem G, Wilken UG, Seguin-Orlando A, De la Fuente Castro C, Wasef S, Shoocongdej R, Souksavatdy V, Sayavongkhamdy T, Saidin MM, Allentoft ME, Sato T, Malaspinas A-S, Aghakhanian FA, Korneliussen T, Prohaska A, Margaryan A, de Barros Damgaard P, Kaewsutthi S, Lertrit P, Nguyen TMH, Hung H-C, Tran TM, Truong HN, Nguyen GH, Shahidan S, Wiradnyana K, Matsumae H, Shigehara N, Yoneda M, Ishida H, Masuyama T, Yamada Y, Tajima A, Shibata H, Toyoda A, Hanihara T, Nakagome S, Deviese T, Bacon A-M, Duringer P, Ponche J-L, Shackelford L, Patole-Edoumba E, Nguyen AN, Bellina-Pryce B, Galipaud J-C, Kinaston R, Buckley H, Pottier C, Rasmussen S, Higham T, Foley RA, Mirazón Lahr M, Orlando L, Sikora M, Phipps ME, Oota H, Higham C, Lambert DM, Willerslev, E. The prehistoric peopling of Southeast Asia. Science 361(6397): 88-92 (2018). doi: 10.1101/278374
- Racimo F, Berg JJ, Pickrell JK. Detecting polygenic adaptation in admixture graphs. Genetics (2018): genetics-300489.
- Crawford J, Amaru R, Song J, Julian CG, Racimo F, Cheng JY, Guo X, Yao J, Ambale-Venkatesh B, Lima JA, Rotter JI, Stehlik J, Moore LG, Prchal JT, Nielsen R. Natural selection on genes related to cardiovascular health in high-altitude adapted Andeans. American Journal of Human Genetics 101(5): 757-767 (2018). doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2017.09.023
- Posth C, Wiing C, Kitagawa K, Pagani L, von Holstein L, Racimo F, Wehrberger K, Conard NJ, Kind CJ, Bocherens H, Krause J. Deeply divergent archaic mitochondrial genome provides lower time boundary for African gene flow into Neanderthals. Nature Communications 8: 16046 (2017). doi: 10.1038/ncomms16046
- Theunert C, Racimo F, Slatkin M. Joint estimation of relatedness coefficients and allele frequencies from ancient samples. Genetics 117 (2017). doi: 10.1534/genetics.117.200600
- Buckley MT, Racimo F, Allentoft ME, Jensen MK, Jonsson A, Huang A, Hormozdiari F, Sikora M, Marnetto D, Eskin E, Jørgensen ME, Grarup N, Pedersen O, Hansen T, Kraft P, Willerslev E, Nielsen R. Selection in Europeans on fatty acid desaturases associated with dietary changes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 34(6), 1307-1318.
- Racimo F, Gokhman D, Fumagalli M, Hansen T, Moltke I, Albrechtsen A, Carmel L, Huerta-Sánchez E, Nielsen R. Archaic adaptive introgression in TBX15/WARS2. Molecular Biology and Evolution. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msw283 [Available here]
- Racimo F, Marnetto D, Huerta-Sánchez E. Signatures of archaic adaptive introgression in present-day human populations. Molecular Biology and Evolution. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msw216. [Available here]
- Mallick S, Li H, Lipson M, Mathieson I, Gymrek, M, Racimo F, Zhao M, et al. The Simons Genome Diversity Project: 300 genomes from 142 diverse populations. Nature 538: 201-206. doi:10.1038/nature18964. [Available here]
- Malaspinas, A-S, Westaway, MC, Muller C, Sousa, VC, [24 more authors], Racimo, F et al. A genomic history of aboriginal Australia. Nature 538: 201-206. doi:10.1038/nature18299. [Available here]
- Racimo F, Slatkin M. Ancient DNA and human history. PNAS 113, 23: 6380-6387. [Available here]
- Racimo F, Renaud G, Slatkin M. Joint estimation of contamination, error and demography for nuclear DNA from ancient humans. PLoS Genetics 12(4): e1005972. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005972 [Available here]
- Racimo F. Testing for ancient selection using cross-population allele frequency differentiation. Genetics 115, 2: 733-750 (2016). [Available here]
- Fumagalli M, Moltke I, Grarup N, Racimo F, Bjerregard P et al. Greenlandic Inuit show genetic signatures of diet and climate adaptation. Science 349, 6254: 1343-1347 (2015). [Available here]
- Racimo F, Sankararaman S, Nielsen R, Huerta-Sánchez E. Evidence for archaic adaptive introgression in humans. Nature Reviews Genetics. doi:10.1038/nrg3936 (2015). [Available here]
- Teixeira JC, de Filippo C, Weihmann A, Meneu JR, Racimo F, Dannemann M, Nickel B, Meyer M, Parra G, Pääbo S, Andrés AM. Long-term balancing selection in LAD1 maintains a missense trans-species polymorphism in humans, chimpanzees and bonobos. Molecular biology and evolution 32(5): 1186-1196 (2015). [Available here]
- Racimo F, Schraiber J. Approximation to the distribution of fitness effects across functional categories in human segregating polymorphisms. PLoS genetics 10(11): e1004697 (2014). [Available here]
- Racimo F, Kuhlwilm M, Slatkin M. A test for ancient selective sweeps and an application to candidate sites in modern humans. Molecular Biology and Evolution 31.12: 3344-3358 (2014). [Available here]
- Prüfer K, Racimo F, Patterson N, Jay F, Sankararaman S, Sawyer S, Heinze A, Renaud G, Sudmant P, de Filippo C, Li H, Mallick S, Dannemann M, Fu Q, Kircher M, Kuhlwilm M, Lachmann M, Meyer M, Ongyerth M, Siebauer M, Theunert C, Tandon A, Moorjani P, Pickrell J, Mullikin JC, Vohr SH, Green RE, Hellmann I, Johnson PLF, Blanche H, Cann H, Kitzman JO, Shendure J, Eichler EE, Lein ES, Bakken TE, Golovanova LV, Doronichev VB, Shunkov MV, Derevianko AP, Viola B, Slatkin M, Reich D, Kelso J, Pääbo S. The complete genome sequence of a Neandertal from the Altai Mountains. Nature 505.7481: 43-49 (2014). [Available here]
- Castellano, S, Parra G*, Sánchez-Quinto F*, Racimo F*, Kuhlwilm M*, Kircher M, Sawyer S, Fu Q, Heinze A, Nickel B, Dabney J, Siebauer M, White L, Burbano HA, Renaud G, Stenzel U, Lalueza-Fox C, de la Rasilla M, Rosas A, Rudan P, Brajković D, Kucan Ž, Gušic I, Shunkov MV, Derevianko AP, Viola B, Meyer M, Kelso J, Andrés AM, Pääbo S. Patterns of coding variation in the complete exomes of three Neandertals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111, 18: 6666-6671 (2014). [Available here]
- Kim W, Racimo F, Levy S, Foster KR. Importance of positioning for microbial evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111, 16: E1639-E1647 (2014). [Available here]
- Meyer M, Kircher M, Gansauge MT, Li H, Racimo F, Mallick S, Schraiber JG, Jay F, Prüfer K, de Filippo C, Sudmant PH, Alkan C, Fu Q, Do R, Rohland N, Tandon A, Siebauer M, Green RE, Bryc K, Briggs AW, Stenzel U, Dabney J, Shendure J, Kitzman J, Hammer MF, Shunkov MV Derevianko AP, Patterson N, Andres AM, Eichler EE, Slatkin M, Reich D, Kelso J, Pääbo S. A high coverage genome sequence from an archaic Denisovan individual. Science 338, 6104: 222-226 (2012). [Available here]
- Bhullar BAS, Marugán-Lobón J, Racimo F, Bever GS, Norell MA, Rowe TB, Abzhanov A. Birds have paedomorphic dinosaur skulls: Ontogeny and phylogeny in avian cranial evolution. Nature 487: 223-226 (2012). [Available here]
* Equal contribution
Book chapters
Book chapters
- Racimo F, Schraiber J, Huerta-Sánchez E. Directional selection and adaptation. In: Kliman, RM (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology. vol. 1, pp. 444–452 (2016). Oxford: Academic Press.